Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
I'm sorry I'm not good enough for your 'standards'
2004-02-13 - 10:48

My muscles in my upper arms and shoulders feel like they are going to separate from the bones, they hurt that bad. Katie worked me very hard last night at the gym. I ran my 1.5 on a flat tredmill this time around in about 17 minutes something. I'm getting closer to my goal.

Chris is one huge goober. He didn't set the alarm for 6, so I got up at 10. But hey, at least I got eight hours of sleep for once. All week has been four or five hours each night. I cannot make this a habit, to be sleeping in, that is.

I feel like I'm back in HS again. With all the gossiping and whispering behind my back. There's something big going down next week, I won't mention it at all until it's over, but eh. I will say as for a second part to all of this is that I guess I can't be telling others of how I feel that I'm doing or they will talk bad about me like I'm complaining too much. Yeah, I've been guilty of doing that -complaining- but that's just my thing. I can tone it down, sure. But when people say that they don't think I'm pushing myself hard enough, that's below the belt. I am working as hard as I possibly can at that time. Sorry I'm unable to run 1.5 miles completely, but at least I'm not stopping. I can do better than mostly jog, but give me time. A few days. Hopefully by Monday I'll be mostly running that distance.

Everyone starts from the bottom, why can't people understand that?

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears