Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Can anyone trust me for once?
2004-02-12 - 14:37

I went online for only two reasons. 1: to sort through the dozens of email messages in my MS Outlook program. 2: find an easy hairstyle to deal with while I'm in USAF BMT. My hair appointment is Saturday so I've got to find one as soon as possible. Instead of doing the above items, I checked my email and noticed I received a note from this Diaryland account. I checked it out, it was from a review site changing names and such. So I kept browsing, requested to two more review sites and totally forgot what I came online for.

This is what four hours of interrupted sleep does to a person.

Last night we worked out a the gym but not without some obstacles in the way first. Sara drove here around 6:10 (we all planned to be at the gym at 6) and we all got piled into the car when Sara realized she didn't have her Drivers License. She needs it to get on base. So I drove with her and Katie in my car to Sara's house. Across town. Now, I was aware of how to get to her house, but during the day. Night just makes it ten times worse with of course, the lack of sunlight and the added annoyances like bright ass headlights right in your face from shitheads driving a bit too close to your back bumper and on-coming traffic with flourescent (sp?) headlights where they just blind the shit out of you. By the time you pass you've got blind spots and you can't see much but the lighted dashboard inside. They took me driving ALL THE WAY AROUND THE CITY got to the back gate and I said "Hey, I can only go to the front." So I drove ALL THE WAY to the front. Okay.. the base isn't that big, but I just wanted to get to the gym already. We got there, the visitors center around 6:45 is. I got all set to go but I was only allowed one extra person to go on base with me. Katie called her boyfriend who's got a Military ID and it got all squared away.

We got to the gym, and into the exercise room where I usually go. I started running for about three minutes until I realized I didn't stretch/warm up. So I just pressed "reset" on the step/tredmaster thing and got off and did my stretches. Drank a little of my water and ran my 1.5 mile in...dum dum dum... 18:26. WOOT! Tuesday's time was 18:46, and Monday was 19:30. I was nearing my end of my run when Katie came by and mentioned quietly "this won't count for your mile and a half." As she walked to the other room across the hallway I kept running that line through my head. "What did she mean by that? Huh?" So I got all done. No one was there to "verify" my time but I wrote it down anyway.

Apparently what she meant by that.. was when Chris came home late last night he said that Katie told him that I didn't look like I was pushing myself hard enough. How can she say that? She wasn't in the room for very long. I went down on my time, I mean.. sorry I'm not a star athelete, but I'm doing the best I can.

Just to sum up Katie for you all, she's been on the cross country team; softball (I think); basketball; and volleyball (I think also). She's a very fit young woman. She works out just about everyday and she's in perfect shape. Now.. I was in that shape when I was her age. I just tapered it all off around the year 2000. I'm willing to improve, hell I'm leaving for BMT in three weeks, or a tad less.

Today what we're doing is going to the base gym around 6 again with Sara but I'm running on the flat tredmill thing probably with Katie. I just hate running with someone like I've got to compete and be better. I understand I'll have to experience that in training, but why now? Grr. I'm so stubborn, I know.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears