Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Oh sooo dizzy
Mar. 10, 2003 - 9:18 AM

Just to update you all on what's been going on with me since late Friday night. I had really awful chest pain that started up and just early yesterday evening I decided it was time for me to see a doctor. Well it has nothing to do with my heart, that small flu I had in AL (that lasted about a day and a half) sorta never went away. The doctor explained it as a rub on the inside of my chest/lung wall and it was rubbing my ribs and causing the pain.

So I'm on these painkillers that's more potent than Vicodin - so I'm out like a light within an hour but last night when I took two I was straining myself to stay awake. We were at Chris's parents house, celebrating Lauren's birthday... and a few people were talking to me and I didn't even realize it. Yep, time for me to go to bed, eh?

The pharmacy wasn't open last night for me to pick up my other prescriptions so I've got to get them today before the pain comes back. Meanwhile, this current medicne, makes me totally weird: I'm shaky; thinking that the floor is moving out from underneath me; very hungry but then when I eat, I don't have much, except for a few bites and I'm full; I'm very nauseaus (can't spell when drugged, sorry) but haven't gotten sick yet; very dizzy but moreso when lying down.

I had an EKG at Frontrange yesterday and everything showed up fine. I don't get it.

Oh god... i feel so sick now. Is it normal to feel like this on this drug?

I'm up early because Chris has to take me to the other Frontrange to do bloodwork to rule out any other things that may be causing this.

I'm getting dizzy even when sitting down and typing this out. not a good sign.

I slept maybe five hours at most, but i don't feel that sleep deprived. ugh i have so many things to do today but i don't think i can even stay still (not shaky) for a minute.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears