Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Long ass entry
Dec. 12, 2002 - 11:09 PM

I feel like an idiot. A few weeks ago when Chris re-formatted both computers, of course like a week in between to be smart... he asked me to back up all the info I wanted to save from the Laptop to the Desktop. Me the MORON just moved over the Outlook Emails, nothing else. So my old designs from April to November are gone. G O N E! Unless Chris has a backup somewhere, I hope he does... *crosses her fingers* So I can't go re-design this current layout into an inline scroll like when I had it in June with the Leaning Tower of Pisa on the left, and the scrolling entry on the right...because I no longer have the code. Bad Nicki. Well I could do it, but it'll take me a long time since I'm a work-a-holic, apparently and I have no life but to go to work, come home, then go to bed.

I finally called the doctor this morning, to find out the results from that Ultrasound appointment I had last Tuesday. They didn't find anything that looked serious, no indications of a cyst, but the did find some tiny abnormal "spots", I don't remember the technical terms, though. I told them that the pain is gone, so it must have been from that infection I had two weeks ago.

Dow, that dot-thing I was doing with my notebook this evening, it is called stippling. Yeah, I'm an art junkie, I realize that.

I still feel like a moron for not saving all of my files... I've never not done that before, err, computer wise, I always do what I am told. I guess there are exceptions to every rule.

I have got to say something that's been bugging me for quite a while now, but never got the nerve to put it here. I don't care if anyone "talks bad" about me, they can suck it. A few weeks ago (I'm bad at remembering non-important dates) Chris stopped by my desk at work to drop off a few things then was about to leave, he hugged and kissed me, a small peck on the cheek. Apparently that got on someones' nerves because soon as he walked into the elevator, my supervisor told me that Chris and I shouldn't show affection at work because others get offended. Understandable, but it isn't like Chris is climbing onto my desk and we're making mad love. Just today I found out who was "offended" by it all and I stood there not really suprised but yet again somewhat shocked when Chris told me. I'm really not suprised at all. That Jackass (I won't mention names, because I have some manners left in me) had the nerve to lie in the past, to my face.

Here's the story about the lying junk:

Last month, a week until my previous note ran out (to stay off of the phones, per my doctor #2, I have three total...fun) a lady from HR invited me into her office to discuss what they are going to do with me: put me back onto the phones or continue staying off of them. I went into her office, and she put the note in front of me which basically stated "No phone work for 1-2 months."

HR thought "Hey, since the first month is almost out, lets go ahead and put Nicole back onto the phones..."

I told her that it said 1-2 mo, meaning 2 months, you can't dispute that. But I told her that I would go see my doctor over the weekend and give her the new note, whatever it may say, to her the following business day: Monday.

It was Saturday when I saw doctor #1 (my primary, when he isn't in, I see #2). I told him the stuff HR is pulling on me, we started talking about 2 wks off of the phones, then the following 2wks limited phone use. But I said it would be best if I stay off of them for another month. He wrote the note out, and gave me some meds, and off I went.

Monday rolled around, and I dropped off the note to the HR lady, and she read it, had stated "Limited phone work for 1mo, may be re-evaluated in 2wks." She said she would share this with the rest of HR.

Jackass (don't remember? Read above...) invited me into his office, and discussed the note Dr #1 gave me. He said that HR shared with him the words of the note, he didn't have it with him so he doesn't know the exact words. He said that he called Dr #1 to get more information that day about the note, to "clarify" it. As if they can clarify it any more. Geeze. Besides I never signed a Patient Release Form, it is against the law for my doctor, any one of them to release any medical information of mine to anyone, unless I give them my permission. Jackass should know that.

Late Monday night I got seriously sick, with that adverse reaction to those meds Dr #1 gave me the past Sat. So late Tuesday afternoon, I went to see Dr #2, told her about the stuff work is telling me to do, what Dr#1 said, etc. Dr #2 looked in the phone records and saw nothing in there dated last month, in regards communicating to my work, or vice versa. Jackass lied. To my face. He knew what he was doing. I haven't shared this info with anyone except for a few close friends, this may not be a good idea, but what the hell, these are my words, I have my doctors to back me up. I may have a few words off, but the meat of it is true. I tell no lie.

I am still not working on the phones, but I will be calling my doctor tomorrow morning to set an appointment soon, hopefully before next Tuesday, so I can get all this out into the open, so to speak.

(There are more things going on with me that I'd rather not say on here, so please respect my privacy)

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears