Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Dec. 02, 2002 - 12:07 AM

After two and a half hours of trying to find out where Chris stored my music on the Laptop.... I finally got it all onto the Desktop and now its playing on Winamp. Gah....

I need to redesign this thing, again. I know I'm begining to sound like a broken record here but it is December, the year is almost over. It is strange, really. This year has gone by so fast, at least that's the way I feel about it anyway.

I have come up with the conclusion that I will no longer crave appreciation or attention from others (besides family and close friends...the only ones who truely know who I am) and be myself. I am tired of straining myself to get a pat on the back, or at least acknowledgement that I exist. I haven't been feeling depressed that much lately. It could be from eating healthier and more often than before. It is a good thing, I know that, I'm not trying to get sympathy about all of this, but then again I didn't want to not write about it in here. If someone doesn't like what I write, they can just go to a different site, or click on the X on the upper right hand corner of the browser, and never see these words again.

Maybe I am just blabbing, yes I'm pretty sure I am. It is almost Midnight as I write this. I should be asleep by now, the Pepsi is keeping me up, darn caffiene.

I just feel weird, but in a good way, heh, if there's such a thing. I have the regular lights off, three candles lit and some colored x-mas lights on.

*smiles* It is going to be a good day.

Oh and, I'm just excited: Chris is going to Hardee's after work and get me some chicken strips... and a medium orange soda. Oh yumm...

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears